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Title: Tools for ensuring creativity of advertising content
Authors: Lysytsia N. M.
Byelikova Y. V.
Keywords: creativity tools
creative economy
consumer behaviour
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Lysytsia N. M. Tools for ensuring creativity of advertising content / N. M. Lysytsia, Y. V. Byelikova // Трансформація соціальних інститутів в інформаційному суспільстві: IV Конгрес Соціологічної асоціації України. Харків 28-29 жовтня 2021 р. : тези допов. – Харків, 2021. ‒ С. 275-276.
Abstract: The tools for ensuring the creativity of advertising content were considered and illustrated by Ukrainian and foreign advertising practices. The peculiarities of advertising creativity may include: 1) adaptation to the needs of consumers, namely: conformity with consumer values; 2) heterogeneity: the type of creativity may differ depending on the stage of the product life cycle and advertising message; 3) focus on ethical norms, as the line between creativity and images, discrimination can be sensitive; 4) emotionality of the perception – emotions are a key factor in the communicative effectiveness of the advertising message.
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