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Title: Empirical Model of the Middle Latitudes Lower Ionosphere for Modeling of HF and VHF Radio Waves Propagating
Authors: Gokov A. M.
Tyrnov O. F.
Buts Yu. V.
Keywords: electron density
mid-latitude D-region of the ionosphere
model of region D
partial reflection method
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Gokov A. M. Empirical Model of the Middle Latitudes Lower Ionosphere for Modeling of HF and VHF Radio Waves Propagating / A. M. Gokov, O. F. Tyrnov, Yu. V. Buts // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. - 2020. - Vol.79. - No15. - P. 1385-1395.
Abstract: On the basis of the experimental electron density profiles N(z) obtained under quiet conditions at the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University by partial reflection technique, there were constructed average-daily seasonal <N(z)> and their height gradients d<N>/dz profiles which were used for model calculating characteristics of the radio waves scattered by turbulent N irregularities.
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