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Title: Macroeconomic factors that influence the bank loans rate in international and Ukrainian practice
Authors: Ivakhnenkov S.
Hlushchenko S.
Sverenko K.
Keywords: loan price
bank loan rate
dynamics of bank loan rates
bank loans
macroeconomic factors
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця
Citation: Ivakhnenkov S. Macroeconomic factors that influence the bank loans rate in international and Ukrainian practice / S. Ivakhnenkov, S. Hlushchenko, K. Sverenko // Економіка розвитку. – № 4 (Т.19). – С. 35-47.
Abstract: The goal of the paper is to disclose the links between the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators and the level of bank loan rates based on international and Ukrainian practice. On the basis of the previous analysis, the paper also aims to identify the key trends in the formation of loan prices in the long run and identify problematic issues related to bank loan rates. The main characteristics of bank lending rates in Ukraine are: a) their high rates; b) sharp changes in the weighted average bank loan rates from year to year; c) higher loan rates for households compared to the cost of bank loans for businesses; d) higher bank loan rates for short- and medium-term loans versus long-term ones; e) lower rates on loans in foreign currency compared to the loans in hryvnia; and f) high share of non-performing loans to households and businesses in bank portfolios. In the context of world and Ukrainian practice, the paper demonstrates the reverse effect between macroeconomic indicators such as GDP per capita, the ratio of loans to GDP, the ease of doing business index and bank loan rates. The article also demonstrates a direct relationship between the dynamics of inflation rate in the country, the dynamics of non-performing bank loans and their rates.
Appears in Collections:№ 4

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