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Результаты 45 по 64 из 25313 < назад   дальше >
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Adaptation of Ukrainian legislation in the field of audit regulation to european requirementsNesterenko O.; Zhyliakova O.; Staverska T.
2020Adaptation to the role of the mother as a psychological experienceLytvynenko A. O.
2020Adaptation to the role of the mother as a psychological experienceLytvynenko A. O.
2021Adaptive approach to engineering infrastructure reconstruction program and project managementKhudiakov I.; Sukhonos M.
2019Adaptive decision support systems for cyber securityMilov O. V.
2024Adaptive management for employee training systemPetrenko O. O.
2017Adaptive management of the department system of institutes for Postgraducate education in Ukraine: theory and practiceKravchenko H. Y.; Annenkova I. P.
2023Advanced Study of Professional Foreign Language: program of the course for students of higher education of all specialities and all study programs of the first (bachelor) study cycle:Pohorielova T.
2018Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing procedure of clients identification and verification in financial monitoringAndriichenko Zh. O.; Smoliak V. A.
2020Advantages and disadvantages of using innovative risk assessment methodsVereshchahina H.; Pliekhanova T. Ye.
2020Advantages and disadvantages of using innovative risk assessment methodsVereshchahina H.; Pliekhanova T. Ye.
2022Advantages of a regional development strategy over a country development strategy in conditions of power decentralizationSobolev V. H.
2021Advertising in restaurant businessPugachova M. M.; Stryzhak O.
2018Agent-based modelling of dynamic supply chain managementMilov O. V.; Milevskiy S. V.; Мілов О. В.; Мілевський С. В.; Милов О. В.; Милевский С. В.
2018Agent-based modelling of emotions in learning systemsMilov O. V.; Milevskiy S. V.
2021Agile and Scrum in working on projects : syllabus of the academic discipline for all specialities for first (bachelor) degreeIppolitova I. Ya.
2019Agricultural Insurance in the USA: An Example of Public-Private Partnerships in Agricultural Risk ManagementOnegina V.; Vnukova N.
2022Algorithm development and analysis: working program of the educational discipline for students of specialty 125 "Cybersecurity" of the educational program "Cybersecurity" of the first (bachelor’s) levelSolodovnyk G. V.
2016The Algorithm of HRM Systems SelectionPlekhanova G. O.; Плеханова Г. О.; Плеханова А. О.
2019Algorithm of information security risk assessment based on fuzzymultiple approachYevseiev S. P.; Shmatko O. V.; Romashchenko N. V.