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Title: Some features of enterprise’s culture
Authors: Rizunenko J. A.
Keywords: cultural values
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Rizumenko J. A. Some features of enterprise’s culture / J. A. Rizumenko // Наукові розробки: перспективи 21 сторіччя : матеріали V міжнар-ї наук.-практ. конф. студентів та молодих вчених, 19 квіт. 2017 р., Краматорск – Вінниця: ТОВ «Нілан-ЛТД», 2017. – С. 120-124.
Abstract: This article reseach provides a broad overview of the potenrial patterns of relationships between cultural values, personal and contextual factors, and entrepreneurial outcomes. The work examines theories of entrepreneurship where either environmental or personality variables have been specified as unique predictors of entrepreneurship are investigated to determine whether they capture the complexity of entrepreneurial action that encompasses the interaction of environmental, cognitive, and behavioural variables.
Appears in Collections:Статті студентів (ПІФП)

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