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Title: Study of the effective viscosity of gelatinized starch dispersions, based on physically modified starches, depending on technological factors
Authors: Andrieieva S.
Kolesnikova M.
Pyvovarov Y.
Khaustova T.
Dikhtyar A.
Keywords: physically modified starches
effective viscosity
gelatinized starch dispersions
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Andrieieva S. Study of the effective viscosity of gelatinized starch dispersions, based on physically modified starches, depending on technological factors / S. Andrieieva, M. Kolesnikova, Y. Pyvovarov et al. // Eureka: Life Sciences; Tallinn – 2019. – № 6. – Р. 17-22.
Abstract: The aim of the study is to investigate rheological properties of gelatinized starch dispersions, based on physically modified starches, depending on technological factors. Realization of the research aim allows to get products (sauces, creams, fillers for confectionary products and so on), using physically modified starches, able to realize products with given structural-mechanical parameters of quality and safety; and also to provide the rational use of raw material resources, to decrease the labor capacity of the technological process of making culinary products.
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